miércoles, julio 26, 2006

Mega trancasazo!

A 14-year-old boy was hit on the side of the head with a baseball bat during a practice. A laceration with palpable bone fragments was present in the wound when he was examined in the emergency department. Approximately 5 hours after receiving the injury, the boy died. Which of the following is the initial event that most likely caused the death of the patient?

a) A subarachnoid hemorrahage
b) An epidural hematoma
c) A subdural hematoma
d) An intracereral hemorrhage

O como dijera mi compa el santo ñiño: "Si entrevistamos al jugador agresor declarará: yo no lo maté...yo solo le di un batazo que le reventó la cabeza, pero fueron los ´dotores´ los que se lo atirantaron en el hospital"...y todo por no poner atención en sus clases de neuroqx.

Qué tratamiento hubiera ocupado este pelao?



Anonymous Anónimo said...

with that sort of injury all options can be possible, but a subdural haematoma could have been the precipitating factor

8/21/2006 9:15 a.m.  

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